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Sample Interview Questions: Work Style

Sample Interview Questions: Work Style

You can't predict what questions you'll be asked during a job interview, but you can prepare for some of the more common ones. Think about these potential questions that will probe your work ethic:

  1. Can you take instructions without feeling defensive, hurt or upset? 

  2. How do you show initiative? 

  3. Tell me about your energy level—describe a typical day. 

  4. How do you respond to pressure in the workplace? 

  5. How do you feel you could contribute to the company? 

  6. Do you prefer working alone or with others? 

  7. What have you done that shows your initiative? 

  8. In your last job, what percentage of time did you work alone? Work with others? Work as a team? Where did you find your greatest satisfaction? 

  9. How do you feel about evening or weekend work? 

  10. How do you feel about a job that requires a great deal of paperwork and report writing? 

  11. What hours are you accustomed to working? 

  12. Do you prefer working under pressure or with adequate time to plan, organize, and execute? 

  13. What makes you effective in large groups?