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How to Make Returning to Work Easier

How to Make Returning to Work Easier

If you're out of the workforce - voluntarily or as a victim of an untimely layoff - it's easy to become disconnected. But remember - the farther removed you become from the workforce, the harder it may becomes to re-enter it when the time comes. Keep these three tips in mind to make the transition easier.

  • Stay Informed.  Read about the type of job you would like and stay informed about the industry you would like to work in. Both magazines and the internet make it easier than ever to keep up with what’s happening in the field you are interested in. If you were involved in an association or professional group before you took your break from work, get involved again.  It’s a great way to keep up with your field and make networking contacts.

  • Update Your Resume.  If you have a resume keep it up-to-date.  If you don’t, develop one no matter what type of job you are looking for.  This will help you think about what you really want to do and how you will present your experience and skills to convince others you are the person they should hire.

  • Make Volunteer Work Count.Think about your volunteer work in light of the job you would like to get.  How does your volunteer experience relate to the work world? Did you use organizational skills?  Did you manage a group of people? Were you accountable for fundraising activity? Whatever your experience, think of how it applies to the business world.